Friday, January 24, 2014

Film Clips Lessons Made Easier!

While searching for advisory lessons, I stumbled across this FREE resource for lessons using youtube/ short videos: The Source for Youth Ministry.   Each lesson includes a link to a short on-line video and then a list of discussions questions.  Yes, because these lessons were created for Youth Ministry, they all relate to a Bible story.  Therefore it IS necessary to edit the lessons to make them appropriate for a public school.  This is NOT difficult to do.  I cannot tell you how excited I am to find this website.  Our advisory theme on Fridays is Film Clips.  This entire year I have been scouring the internet trying to find clips that I could turn into teen-related life lessons.  This site is going to make my life so much easier- which I especially need right now during Course Registration time!
So check it out.  Here is one of the lessons I adapted from their site about Inward Beauty using Dove's Real Beauty Sketches:  Forensic Self-Image (click on the image below for the lesson.)

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