Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Advisory: Week of January 13

This week our school celebrated Health and Wellness week.  I was asked to create lessons in advisory that would tie into this theme.  With the help of the middle school counselor, we created a few activities that will hopefully spur some discussion about health and wellness and are fun too!  Check out these lessons:

  • At our school, we sometimes pair up our middle and high school advisory groups into what we call our "School Families".  On Tuesday, we asked for our "families" to get together and complete this Zumba lesson plan:

BOND WITH YOUR MIDDLE SCHOOL FAMILY! "Physical wellness" involves understanding and appreciating the relationship between sound nutrition and how the body performs.  It requires participation in regular physical activities that improve cardiovascular strength and endurance, flexibility, and muscular strength. "Social wellness" is the ability to relate to and connect with other people. "Emotional wellness" is the awareness and acceptance of our own feelings and the feelings of others.  It’s the ability to acknowledge and share feelings of anger, stress, sadness, or fear, as well as joy, happiness, hope, and love.   Combine these three areas of wellness by inviting your Middle School Family to join you as you all try your best to keep up with this Zumba fitness routine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa2IWYs3ags   Remember this is about having fun, getting exercise, and bonding!  Laughing burns calories too!

  • In October, I created a lesson called Lunch Scholars which is an adaption of Jay Leno's Jaywalking.  My high school students LOVED this activity, so I decided to create something similar specific to Health and Wellness IQ:
Wellness Week Trivia:  How much do you know about Health and Wellness?  Click on the presentation below to watch a quick Jay Leno video and then try your hand at Wellness Trivia!  

  • Our Friday theme is "Film Clips".  I found a great lesson from PBS Learning about Prescription Drug abuse and adapted the lesson to meet the needs of my school advisory.  Click on the lesson below to see what I sent out to my advisors:

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