Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March Newsletter- Freshmen and Sophomores

Here is this month's counseling newsletter for Freshmen, Sophomores, and their parents.  The big push for this month is to begin thinking about summer opportunities.  I scoured the internet and created two whole pages on summer opportunities in (mostly) the North Carolina area.  Slowly, but surely, my newsletter "readership" is picking up steam.  At first, I felt as if no one was reading them.  Now, I have students stopping by to ask me questions related to the newsletter.  I guess the work is paying off.  Also, in March I discussed college admission requirements for high school foreign language, reminders about the end of the quarter, spring/summer timeline from Peterson's,  and an article from NPR about the cost of not going to college.
Click the photo below to see the full version of my newsletter:

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