Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November Newsletter

Here is this month's parent/student newsletter for Freshman and Sophomore parents.  I have struggled with deciding "what" to put in each newsletter.  For those of you who are also starting monthly newsletters, I thought I would elaborate on what I hope will be my "regular" sections.
One idea came from my student meetings.  At my Freshman and Sophomore meetings I made students fill out an "exit ticket" where they wrote down questions they had regarding graduation, GPA, testing, college, etc.  I now use those exit tickets to create a column in each newsletter titled:  Student Questions and Answers. Each month I try to focus on a different category of questions.  This month I focused on GPA questions.
In addition, I almost always include some sort of college prep time line.  I often use as a resource for this section.  They always have unique ideas and suggestions as well as the usual, "keep your grade up; visit colleges."  What resources do you use for keeping your students and parent informed?  Leave your suggestions in the comments section.
Another section I have begun to include came to me after talking to a recent high school graduate.  As a current college athlete, he stated that he wished someone had told him in high school to begin taping his games.  I included that tip in last month's newsletter, but have started to include a section on what to do NOW if you have specific college goals.  This month's section is on planning to go to Art School.
As always, I am looking for new and unique additions, so feel free to share your newsletters, ideas, and resources.  Working together, we can help our students, and perhaps make that job a bit easier!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Advisory Lessons for College Application Week

This week the Counseling Office is buzzing with the details of College Application Week.  While some Seniors are frantically filling out applications, editing essays, and hunting down letters of recommendation, others completed the process weeks ago.
In an effort to prepare the current Freshmen and Sophomores for the future hustle of College Applications, I created this Advisory lesson to give them exposure to what all is involved in the College Application process:

9th-10th grade:  Lesson: What Does it Take to Apply to College
  • ·        All students will become familiar with the college application process before SENIOR year.
  • ·        Students will become aware of the importance of maintaining the highest possible GPA and class rank, performing well on the ACT/SAT, and getting involved in extracurricular activities.

Click here for the link to the Prezi on What is on the Common Application:  

Bulletin Board: Kindness Leaves A Mark

In honor of World Kindness Day on November 13, I created the following bulletin board:

Our middle and high school students seem to love bulletin boards that are interactive.   Plus, by having them leave something behind, you have an idea of how many people actually read the board!  Now there's some data!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A lesson on Writing a Letter

I am sure most of you would be surprised to find a High School Counselor creating a lesson on "How to Write a Letter/Address an Envelope".  Yeah.  Me too.  However, it became obvious that out high school students needed a "refresher" on this life skill... and since it was going to be taught during advisory, the lesson fell to me.  The middle school counselor and I decided to tie this life skill into our recent K-12 Activity Day to give "purpose" to the lesson.  So after searching Prezi and after a lot of tweaking, here is the lesson I created (click on the photo):

Monday, November 4, 2013

Getting Ready for Nov 13: World Kindness day!

I love the Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) movement.  I firmly believe that by helping others we help ourselves lead a more meaningful life.  RAK ties right into our school's mission of Character, Community, and Challenge.  Therefore, I cannot wait for our school to celebrate World Kindness Day on Nov. 13.  Here is the lesson I sent out to our high school advisories this week in preparation: 
Tuesday:  Service LearningNext Tuesday, Nov. 13 is World Kindness Day.  Watch this short video ( to be inspired and then come up with an idea on how to celebrate World Kindness Day next week.  Click here for ideas on how to celebrate:   

Now, I just have to wait and see what they create!