Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sophomore Meeting October 2013

In October, I decided to have a Sophomore Meeting with all of my 10th grade students.  Since I had not personally counseled them the year before, I had no idea what they might have already known about Graduation Requirements and College Planning.  Using my 9th grade presentation as a template, I edited out the GPA parts, added in info about Transcripts and came up with this presentation:

I also wanted all my 10th grade students to create an account on  We watched this short video at the end of the presentation on how to set up an account and how CFNC can help you plan, apply, and pay for college:

I ended up running out of time during the meeting, so I was unable to have my students log on to the computers and create accounts.  Instead, I gave them each a challenge to create a CFNC account and to complete one of the sections under My Profile.  Now I just have to wait to see who all rises to the challenge!

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