So with that said, I did still give out a variety of Advisory Lessons this month. I will highlight my top 5:
1. Our groups are continuing to do the Your Turn To Lead activity on Wednesdays. We are about 1/2 way finished, and I have to tell you that I really like this activity. As always, a lot depends on the Advisor- but for the ones who put forth even a tiny bit of effort, the pay off was amazing. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the students lead their team building activities. (and it bought me a ton of time during scheduling!)
2. Are You Smart Enough For the ASVAB: We are trying to encourage our students (especially Juniors and Seniors) to sign up for the ASVAB. I created this lesson to help students understand what types of questions are on the ASVAB and hopefully generate some interest in taking the test.
3. Stand By Me: This is one of the Friday Film Clips lessons which I adapted from The Source for Youth Ministry (I think I already mentioned how much I LOVE this site for finding youtube clips and discussion questions for advisory.) This lesson points out the importance of standing by others BEFORE you need support yourself. I love the video
4. College Bound: This is a lesson adapted from Common Sense Media, a free resource for media related curriculum. Check out their site if you haven't already for lessons on a variety of topics. This lesson deals with how a student "digital footprint" can affect college admissions, scholarships, and employment.
5. The Happy Secret: This is a TedEd adapted lesson originally created by Sonya Terborg Students watch Shawn Achor's 12 minute talk on the secret to happiness and then discuss the difference between happiness and success.